Friday, March 21, 2008


Reading 4
How to write a graphic design brief-David Airey

The reading is quite informative in that Airey does say its a profession not a hobby.As a designer always find the best,quickest way to get the job done, which in relection as a designer I should personally do more of.By assuming goals of the client is a direct bad move as alot of research of the project, its background should be taken into consideration to get the right idea or expression of a project.Be specific in your evaluation do not just estimate constantly get the facts!This is something Airey focusses alot in the reading.
However by far the best piece of information I have learnt from the reading is schedules and deadlines.I need to organise my research and ideas alot better as deadlines are essential for the client due to payments and plans.

Reading 5
Papress Text

In this particular reading it shows direct use and formations of text, how it can be used and what all the expressions stand for. For example Hierachy-is the typographic organizational system for content in a hierachy style. Tracking is the spaces through a word/line letterspacing whereas Kerning is the space between two letters-gaps occur.
This information is good for ideas on orientation of text in an article or project.

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