Friday, March 21, 2008

Myer Opposition logos

Big W although with their newly constructed logo is very much opposition to the Myer corporation as their identity is based on family style shopping at a low cost. Big W sells various goods such as Myer including everything from cutlery to bean bags. So the products are similar except that Big W targets a lower budget household and a friendlier atmosphere. Harris Scarfe is an older company which projects its image as a bargain for proper goods.With a wide range in brands from the lower end of the cost scale to the higher end it offers that traditional help and understanding which Myer does not seem to represent to their clientele.

David Jones in my opinon is the number 1 opposition to Myer as Jones is an upmarket,classic style store similar to Myer.However David Jones focusses on the design of the day.With continual recruitment of well known fashion designers that they stock in house. Jones seems like the store that targets the higher end of the middle class spectrum with fresh solutions.Myer targets the same audience but doesnt really express the new in their stores.

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